Sunday, April 12, 2009

Resurrection Sunday

Hello All,
As you all know this is a blog about my journey as a trombonist. However, the driving force behind my trombone playing is my Savior, Jesus Christ.

Today is a day of celebration a day of joy and renewed hope. All week I have been reminded of Christ's love for what He did for me personally. Whether it was attending Steve Fee's concert/worship experience at Grace, watching the Passion of the Christ for the first time, watching Francis Chan's video "Just Stop and Think," or merely taking a walk thinking about Christ. This week has been life changing for me. For the past month I have been reading Crazy Love, a book basically asking Christians to rethink about their lives and love for Christ. It is a book for everybody to read.

It is so amazing to think how the God of the Universe would love me. After watching the Passion my thought was that Christ is my Savior. He is my Lord. How can I not give back to him the Love that showed for me by dying on the cross then conquering death through His resurrection. It is amazing to think, how He loves me so.

And to think that nothing else compares to His love for me. No trombone job could bring more joy to me than KNOWING that the God of the Universe loves much so much, and that I will be spending eternity in Heaven. Because of His love and what he did for me, I must love Him and serve Him!

J-man (John 3:16)

1 comment:

Kylee Barnett said...

Jer i should read ur blogs more often! It is great to see how u are growing and how u are pursueing God and he is pursueing u! Yay Francis Chan and mostly Yay our Savior :)